November 2016

03/11/2016-EPQ lesson
In this afternoon, Mr Darby taught us about both primary and secondary research in which he outlined potential ways for us to carry our topics further more in depth for deepening our research regarding our topics for EPQ.
Primary Research: Questionnaires
- Open (Rather time consuming, shall have to gather by yourself)
- Closed (Can be better as it can automatically tally up your responses, Survey Monkey can be of example)
Most importantly: What question are you asking?
Primary Research: Interviews
- Structured Interview
- Unstructured Interview
- Semi Structured
- Group Interviews
Primary Research: Observation
- Direct Observation
- Participation
Secondary Research
He also taught us about secondary research and how important it is to read and not judge the title as the actual writing may contain content regarding your specific topic that can be of relevance. He reminded us to explore everything, even if we doubt it relates to our topic as it can open more doors to research and expose us to more useful references to aid us with our EPQ projects.
Before concluding the end of our session, Mr Darby reminded us of the importance of:
* Starting Secondary Research
* When is it going to start, and where?
* Record of research, begin bibliography (preferably electronic)
* Are you going to use Primary Research? (sooner the better) 

Again this prompted the idea of wanting to see my supervisor, Mr Bishop to help with discussing my ideas for primary research for surveillance in order to conduct this as soon as and finish over the 2 week period to than continue with my research.


After my EPQ lesson, I went straight over to speak to my supervisor in regards towards my primary research. I told him about my initial ideas of wanting to create something different compared to surveys and apply my media skills in creating a piece of footage conducting my primary research. I think this would be a better idea to pursue rather than simply constructing a questionnaire-I want to apply myself and actually incorporate footage into my primary surveillance to make my project as engaging as possible.

Upon informing Mr. Bishop of this, we discussed more in detail regarding my idea and advised I could possibly set up cameras around the school at busiest parts, such as break and lunch times of the school day to film the students during their free time-carrying out this research, I can find out if the students and teachers choose to ignore me filming them or approach me with it inquiring as to way I am filming them.

Currently, I am thinking about setting up cameras with a tripod and without a tripod, or filming with no sign indicating my intentions, than with a sign so students and teachers are aware of my actions in order to see if people will approach me or if they don't.
I could construct two different surveys regarding this primary research:
* One for the students and teachers if they chose to ignore the camera- inquiring as to why they did not approach me about me filming them, and their thoughts and feelings towards myself filming them-do they accept me filming them as the norm and how comfortable did they feel with a camera tracking their movements.
* The second survey for the students and teachers that choose to approach me to inquire about me filming them- asking them why they approach me, did they feel comfortable with the camera watching them-what persuaded them to inquire about it?
My notes made from Mr Bishop in regards towards my meeting with him

03/11/2016-Independent Study
Today I began considering my primary research into more focus for EPQ. Below I have presented my work on what I have done in the morning in which I shall present to my supervisor to double check and see if anything needs rectifying or including.  

04/11/2016-Independent Study

This morning I began to look towards potential questions to possibly ask the students and teachers whilst conducting this experiment for my primary research.
I altered the two questionnaires- one with the sign, the other for not the sign. They are slightly different based upon their views and responses towards my surveillance. 
These are drafting questions in which I shall proceed to send over to my supervisors to check over, receive advice and than refine them more in more detail later on in the day.

I printed these two documents out and left them on my supervisors desk, ready for him to read over and approve. I shall now wait to here back on further advice, I shall go to see him later on throughout the day.

04/11/2016-Independent Study

Upon meeting my supervisor later on in the day, he approved of both documents presented to him yet advised to look over the questions and pick out the best ones to reduce the question content in asking people. Interviewing people would also be of good worth, and can be carried out further upon receiving my survey results in which I can trace back up with them and ask in more detail.

With that being said, I have been given the go ahead to proceed on wards with my primary research of filming people at Lunchtimes. I did enquirer if I needed permission to carry this out, yet Mr Bishop told me the idea of surveillance and how we are all unaware of most schemes watching us- and with the people not knowing will give me the best overall success in which I can use to proceed on wards with my secondary research. Yet with this being said, he also advised I start looking into this as well to present ideas towards him and can work on from this. So in response towards this, I shall ensure that I take some time out over the weekend to think about secondary sources that I can possibly incorporate into my project.

Potential Locations to conduct Primary Research-Manshead Upper School
In regards towards my primary research, I wish to carry out my experiment upon the grounds of school. Firstly, I need to find good spot locations where I know Lunchtime would be at its busiest to expose me to many people to make my research broad and diverse.
As a small task, I have taken pictures of potential spots around Manshead School grounds at Lunchtime to determine where would be best for me to carry out my primary research-and why? This can help to prep me for the experiment and meet any issues or problems that can be rectifed or avoided before the experiments are carried out.

Potential Locations for the Experiments:

Social-Sixth form area:
Pros to conducting experiment in Social:
Can be busy at Lunchtimes, can provide myself with many responses and documenting of people throughout lunch displaying different movements and actions. It would overall provide a great 45 minutes of footage in order to create a time lapse.

Cons to conducting experiment in social:
As a sixthform social area, I will only receive a specific age response from 16-18 year old, also my responses may be filled out with cruel intentions and thus not being helpful enough to me to carry research on further.

D Block-Sixthform and Library Block:
Pros to conducting experiment by D Block:
This is predominantly where the sixth form students like to hang out-this can get me well respected answers regarding my answers as well as students who actually have an idea of work and its importance, they may give me their time of day to fill out a survey upon request.
It is also where most of the cafeterias are positioned so I am exposing myself to plenty of students from all ages as they go to collect their lunch at this time of day-most shall even be waiting in the Que so may even be piped with curiosity regarding my experiment.

Cons to conducting experiment by D block:
As found, not many people hang around here at Lunchtimes, it depends on the weather-if its more cold than people would seek warmer refugee whereas if it was hot, people would hang around here and eat Lunch-I would perhaps have to determine this location on the day depending on the weather as I know I will get many responses if the day was warmer and people hung around here.

Sitting Areas outside Manshead Front Entrance:

Pros to conducting experiment by the sitting areas of the Manshead front entrance:
There are quite a lot of people who choose to hang out around this part of the school. Plus its also a different location altogether so people may not be aware of my conducted experiment if they were to see me conducting a new experiment altogether in these parts.
Cons to conducting experiment by the sitting areas of the Manshead Front Porch:

S Block/T block-Science and Art:
Pros to conducting experiment by the S and T Block:
Lots of young people hanging around here throughout their free time-the art and science departments face onto the fields of the school which may increase my chances of surveillance even wider considering most students would want to be away from the camera at most. This may encourage them to actually be brave to come up to me and ask questions without the supervised watch of teachers. Allowing them to act more relaxed and approach me with questions about this experiment and gather their views upon this.

Cons to conducting experiment by the S and T block.
Due to the students not being supervised by adults, the young participants may resort to drastic behavior such as playing with the camera or fiddling with it, this may result in the breakage of the camera and I am highly reliant upon the camera right now so the importance of keeping it safe is absolutely vital.

C block/Bicycle Sheds-Maths:
Pros to conducting experiment by C block and Bicycle Shed:
Again, typically the most busiest location point at the school in which many students shall come out from lessons and make their way over to their designated cafeterias for Lunch and be given the choice of whether or not to ignore the camera or approach me with it questioning this topic and my actions.
I think this will be a good location for experiment two as people of many ages shall be exposed and met with the question of whether to challenge me or not.

Cons to conducting experiment by C block and Bicycle Shed:

A block-History: yr 8/11s 

Pros to conducting experiment by A block:
There is a small courtyard located right outside of A block where in the central parts, canopies, tables and chairs have been created to accommodate the students-teachers would typically walk around for lunch duty to monitor behavior-this way I can get a diverse response towards my experiment.

Cons to conducting experiment by A block:
Typically there are many Year 7's who tend to hide out around this block, so my results may not be as varied-however, having said that my experiment can go well as its determining what they may do in front of the camera.
Also, the A block is the heart of the school and avoided most cafeterias so I may need to be careful where I position the camera to record people as it may not catch as many if its not by the cafeteria.

I have self evaluated the different locations around the Manshead School grounds to determine where is best for the both experiments to take place, weather permitting I believe I shall film:

A Block-History-Experiemnt One (08/11/2016-Lunchtime, 1:25pm-2:10pm)
C Block/Bicycle Sheds Area- Experiment Two (10/11/2016-Lunctime, 1:25pm-2:10pm)

Weather permitting-I believe I shall proceed to film on these desired locations on these dates in order to complete my primary research and start investigating into the answers giving to me to produce interviews from the results gathered, and thus, completing my primary research for my EPQ.

07/11/2016-Independent Study

Throughout this day, I spent my time creating my surveys for both experiments, thinking about the most important questions to ask to shape my research.

For the first experiment, I plan to film at Manshead by the courtyard at Lunchtime, near to Science and Art-borrowing a tripod from Media to help fix the camera into one steady position to observe people.
I shall have my surveys ready for people that ask, and those that don't regarding surveillance. With the obtained results, I shall than use these to filter my primary research and shape my investigation more.

Experiment One-(To take place 08/11/2016, 1:25pm-2:10pm at Manshead Upper School by S block)
Survey for participants who inquired about the camera
This is what I shall present to the participants who come up to me asking about the camera. I expect them to complete this to the best of their ability in order to gain a response regarding the conducted experiment as well as the topic of surveillance.

Experiment One-(To take place 08/11/2016, 1:25pm-2:10pm at Manshead Upper School by S block)
Survey for participants who failed to inquired about the camera
This is a slightly different survey in which I shall present to participants who fail to come up to me asking about the camera and my actions. I expect them to complete this to the best of their ability in order to gain a response regarding the conducted experiment as well as the topic of surveillance.

The completed surveys shall be evaluated by myself and gathered together, working out the participants responses and their thoughts and feelings regarding my experiment to work on the next stage of my research.

These surveys above shall be used in the conducted experiment carried out tomorrow at Lunchtime. Yet I also made the surveys for experiment two which is to take place on Thursday 9th November 2016 at Lunchtime. This experiment will consist of the same action-however will have a sign clearly indicating that I am filming participants, making them aware of my doings and seeing what type of responses I shall receive from this study of research.

Experiment Two Surveys-(To be conducted on the 09/11/2016 at Manshead Upper School, outside C block)
Survey for participants who enquired about the camera-with a sign indicating this
This is a survey based for the second experiment in which I shall present to participants who enquires about the camera and why I am recording them-this experiment shall clearly have a sign indicating my actions so this gives participants the choice of choosing what to do. I expect them to complete this to the best of their ability in order to gain a response regarding this conducted experiment as well as the topic of surveillance.

Experiment Two Surveys-(To be conducted on the 09/11/2016 at Manshead Upper School, outside C block)
Survey for participants who enquired about the camera-with a sign indicating this
This is a survey based for the second experiment in which I shall present to participants who fail to enquire about the camera and why I am recording them despite a clearly indicated sign telling them my actions. I expect them to complete this to the best of their ability in order to gain a response regarding this conducted experiment as well as the topic of surveillance.

Checking into the weather forecasts of this day- I believe that oit will be okay to proceed on with the experiments, and hopefully I shall produced an insightful experiment based upon everyday surveillance.

Weather forecasts for Tuesday 09th November 2016 (Manshead School, 1:25pm-2:10pm)
Gaining the weather forecast for the day of my intended experiments has allowed me to see whether or not this could effect the results of my experiments- if its too cold I may not got as many people throughout my experiments however if its slightly warmer than I may have some luck in gathering opinions towards the idea of surveillance.

Weather forecasts for Friday 11th November 2016 (Manshead School, 1:25pm-2:10pm)

08/11/2016-Independent Study
Primary Research: Experiment One

I shall have my surveys ready for people that ask, and those that don't regarding surveillance. With the obtained results, I shall than use these to filter my primary research and shape my investigation more to lead me onto the secondary research.
At Lunchtime, I plan to borrow a tripod from media and position my camera before people are released from lessons, and throughout the 45 minutes, film everyone who comes into shot within the frame. I shall have my surveys ready to present to people and to document my investigation along the way.
I plan to film around the Science and Art block, than when I conduct my second experiment, choose an alternative location to film to get varied responses and mixed reviews.

Before the experiment, I need to ensure that I bring:
SD Card
Nikon Camera
Survey x2 for different responses

Conducted Experiment:
The experiment started at precisely 1:25pm and lasted throughout the entirety of Lunchtime until 2:10pm. In which I prepped the camera and began filming participants and what they did throughout their lunch time. The camera was located by A Block in which positioned it to be in view so that participants are aware of my actions and what I am doing. The camera could of easily be seen in person which would be interesting to see both students and teachers reactions in regards towards the camera and how they would view it.

As lunchtime started, most people ignored the camera, more intent on getting to the Cafeteria for food, or teachers prepping for their next lessons. Most were unaware of what I was doing or why the camera was there for. The start of my footage is mostly people running or fast walking to get to their desired destination. Showing that a camera can most certainly be incorporated within peoples lives without them being aware of this surveying their every moves.

I began to get mixed reviews in regards towards the camera.It was intresting to observe as I wanted as many responses towards it as I can fron many different people.

Participants who noticed the camera:
The students were happy enough to perform tricks in front of the camera, dancing and talking directly into it-on some occasions students wanted to play with the camera. I noticed a majority of them asked if the camera was recording, and actually needed to look at the back of the camera to confirm it was recording via a red light.
Upon asking them why they were happy enough for me to film them, some responses were:

"Well, its streaming live, so we must be famous."
"Cameras watch us at school why is this no different?"
"Because we can do anything we want".

They seemed to find enjoyment with the camera and spend time performing in front of it.
In regards towards my surveys, I did distribute this out for people to fill out for the purpose of my experiment-however students were skeptical of filing out the entirety of my survey and did not wish to spend time writing. This tells me that in order to better prep my next experiments in the few days that I should construct a tick list survey so they have the least possible work to do. So in regards towards this I have altered the questionnaire to a tick box survey so people don't have to spend much time completing and give me directed answers to what I am seeking.

My Findings:

Below is what I found from my first experiment conducted outside C block, it was interesting to observe what people were doing and I have gathered a wide range of behaviors towards the camera. The following behaviors displayed in my research by participants can help to broaden my view into whether people are accepting of surveillance or not into their lives.

I think the most majority of the participants were 50:50 with my experiment, whilst most enjoyed acting and playing around in front of the camera, others simply chose to ignore it and carry about their lives. this intrigues me further as I want to determine their views regarding this topic. I desire more information before coming to concrete evidence of diverse views.

In regards towards my surveys, some participants completed them, however due to the survey being rather long for them, hardly chose to fill out the entirety of my questions. Yet I did gain some valued answers to which I shall include to this blog soon to display participants views regarding surveillance from experiment one. However I think that to improve further from experiment one I think I should alter the survey and make it more easier for participants to fill out so I can actually gained some valued sights towards surveillance and their views regarding this.

Evidence from Experiment One conducted 08/11/2016

10/11/2016-Supervised Meeting, Mr Bishop
Later on that day, I went to see my supervisor Mr Bishop in which we discussed the outcomes of my first experiment and how I could expand on my research in order to gain different opinions regarding surveillance around the school in order to sum up my research. We decided upon wrapping up the surveillance feeds taken from different points around the school and begin to question people into my topic, even getting the EPQ manager Mr Darby involved with the topic of surveillance, informing them of my primary research and their opinions regarding my working studies. That way I can get responses towards surveillance from a primary perspective but can also develop these further by gaining a critical response towards surveillance through people who have studied this industry-such as influences such as Sociologist David Lyons or Geoffrey R. Stone-this can ultimately be the start of my secondary research. So before drawing up the conclusion to my surveillance studies, I shall also start to prep for my secondary sources in order to approach this in good time as well-I shall begin to read alternative view and ensure I have the books based upon the alternative view points.

11/11/2016-Independent Study
Improved Question air:
For the next experiment which shall take place on the 11/11/2016, I have altered the survey to encourage more people to complete it and give me answers to what I am seeking. This helps brandish my research more and give me answers towards surveillance. Below is the questions I have decided to ask participants this time.

These questions shall be easy to quickly read and fill out by participants at lunch, the 6 questions will not waste my participants time and not cause an inconvenience to them. I need to ensure that I have pens at the ready so they can give me the desired answers for this conducted experiment.

Conducted Experiment- 11/11/2016

Today I started to deck the camera up and began to film around the locations of Manshead school in which I than set out to record the entity of lunchtime in which participants will than be faced with the decisions of deciding what to do with the information I have besides the camera. Again this will be the same experiment conducted however I shall placed up a sign indicating my actions to give them the decision to decide what to do with this information.

At precisely 1:25pm, the students started to come out of their lessons and to lunch, yet instead of ignoring the camera like first time, they noticed the sign straight away and was instantly intrigued by it and wanted to investigate, this gave me the opportunity to distribute out my surveys in which they were more obliged to fill out compared to last times experiment, especially how it was simple questions with short answers for each one.

The younger students more or less just wanted to play with the sign, picking it up and displaying it in front of the camera. However as lunchtime grew on, it was clear that they were more entertained with the sign and camera than the actual intended purpose: which was monitoring surveillance within their lives. They found pleasure in playing around, suggesting that they were more happy to accept surveillance rather than challenge me with it.

I noticed that a lot of the students tended to ask them the same question throughout the experiment despite the sign clearly indicating my actions, and this specific question was "is this camera really recording" showing uncertainly and trust with the students as they seriously doubt my actions in my conducted experiment despite clearly telling them off my EPQ project and my investigation.

At some points students felt the need to hold the camera and move it about to play around. Most presumably suggesting they see it as a more comical thing rather than serious as their privacy is violated by being exposed on camera.

Experiment Two

13/11/2016-Independent Study
Looking back from the results that I managed to gather from the second experiment occurred on Friday 11th November 2016, I gathered my completed surveys and counted them all up, and counted out 50 percipients who has filled out tick box survey. Converting this data into a graph, I shall soon display my results of what I have found out regarding my surveillance experiment.

Results from Experiment Two
Displayed below are the results that I have received from a diverse group of people at lunchtime whilst conducting my experiment out. the results vary, yet are very interesting to observe.

The tick boxes certainly held me this time as students and teaches were more obliged to fill them out considering they took half as much time as the last surveys took out to be completed. The questions this time were short and simple and easy to be filled out by participants throughout my experiment.

17/11/2016-EPQ Lesson
On this day, we were put to work carrying on with our own individual research and investigations towards our own primary and secondary research- I am yet to still see my supervisor so I shall make a meeting as soon as possible to make one to discuss our next move. I am hoping to discuss the outcome of my final experiments and see where I can move on from this to lap into my secondary research.

18/11/2016-EPQ Meeting, Mr Bishop
I went to see my supervisor today, Mr Bishop to discuss on what I can do to carry on my research further towards my primary research to than devised up a report based upon my findings in regards towards surveillance.
We discussed about making the experiment more broad and diverse so decided to carry out a third experiment later on this day inside the school building to see what peoples attitude and thoughts are towards surveillance altogether.
We than discussed about moving on towards the report and begin to start this rather early as I know that writing g is my weakest point and by starting the report early I can than prep for it in all good time.

Supervisor email:
Mr Bishop also emailed myself into finding out a time where I am available to discuss about my EPQ topic and where specifically I am at right now-taking the time to sit down and go through everything and where I, as an EPQ student, should be on at this current point in time.
This can be a great opportunity to sit down and discuss with my supervisor regarding everything that I have done and have been researching for my EPQ project. I believe I may take this time into working upon a more established question, as well as talking about ideas and routes for my artifact.

My reply to my supervisor: 

Now I shall wait for his email in response to what he says regarding the time and place we meet up next week to discuss my current progress in EPQ and if I'm working on track and meeting all expectations.

Experiment Three- Friday 18th November 2016- 1:25pm-2:10pm (School Hall, interior)
In regards towards this day, in recognition of the highly known fund raising event in the UK, most formally known as Children in Need. Manshead shall be fund raising for this event in the school hall throughout lunch time for the younger years- to me this would be an excellent advantage in gaining more footage for my conducted experiment regarding surveillance.

This also leaves me at another advantage again as my last two experiments have been outside in the cold, and due to the winter months setting in people may not want to be standing outside in the cold for very long, meaning that my results will lack in the information and evidence needed to conduct an efficient experiment. Carrying one outside may mean that I could gather more information in regards towards surveillance and help me to determine peoples views upon the matter and see if I can proceed to create a report based from my experiments over the last week. Conducting it inside a building will be warmer for participants so may give me more time and consideration whilst filling out the surveys or generally asking me questions regarding the experiment overall.

How will I make thing different this time?
I feel like that throughout the last two experiments I have conducted, the participants more or less wanted to play with the camera and interacted with it-yet this was due to the camera actually being in plain sight from peoples views, the results from the latter experiments were satisfying and it has provided me much insight towards attitudes and presence towards the camera. Yet to carry on further from the last experiments, I can aim to hide the camera from plain view sight and ensure that no one can see it to determine whether or not they are aware of the camera being there throughout the event and how easy it would be to be recorded and watched constantly without having an indication towards this matter.

This time, I shall proceed to make the camera more hidden away from plain view sight from people at this particular event to see whether or not people will spot the camera or notice it upon arrival. This can be handy as it will determine whether they will notice the camera or proceed to ignore it.  This than determine the question of how easy it is to record people without the realization taking place into whether or not they know they are being filmed or not.

This survey is what I shall present to people in case they do notice the camera-again, I printed out 50 tick box surveys to see if anyone actually notices the camera throughout the time I take to conduct it. Upon completion of my surveys I shall than make another table based from my results and begin to work up on a report of my findings and weighing up peoples opinions towards the idea of surveillance.

The results of my 3rd conducted experiment:

23/11/2016-Supervised lesson, Mr Darby 
Today in this lesson, Mr Darby informed us about the importance of plagiarism as well as referencing sources and how to avoid this common issue within the extended project qualification. Highlighting the importance of how serious this problem is and can result in the failure of our course altogether, as well as being rejected from University.Carrying on further, he educated upon the different types of resources that we can use throughout our research however went through each one to ensure that we do not meet this issue and sail through our EPQ with success.

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